Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Where is the classroom? Moody Room 736 on the San Antonio College campus is a dark computer lab. I'm looking for a Communications/World Cultures class. Finally other students in the Oaxaca Service-Learning Program straggle in. Hooray! Brightly smiling Palo Alto professor Dr. Denise Richter strides down the hallway carrying a large cardboard box.
We meet and greet, two guys and 8 gals.
I'm dubious about my ability to produce publishable articles. We laugh and learn from Peter Hessler's New Yorker article, " A Rat in My Soup!", a postcard from China. His narrative is humerous and informative, evoking our senses of taste, smell, and sight.
Write accurately! Don't you dare misspell a name! Be concise. Nineteen or twenty words comprise the best sentence. Will I be able to select a story of interest to readers? I know I have an inquiring mind. I'm honest, loyal, get along with people, and can be objective. Those are five of the ten essentials of a good reporter as printed in the "National Publisher". Do I have the ability to communicate? Am I determined and patient enough? Can I acquire enough knowledge? Will I recognize a job well done? Vamos a ver. We shall see.

Gail, You are a NATURAL! I'm so happy you're in this class. Vamos a ver indeed. Ya vemos! Cheers, Denise
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