Wednesday, June 07, 2006

AVANCE! Wednesday we drove through familiar territory to the Avance site near Guadalupe and Brazos in the SAHA properties. Through parent and child education this 33 year-old program is impressively changing lives.
Marisa Chapa, Director of Parenting Education at the center, explained the organization's goals and programs. Eligible adults with children younger than 3 are aggressively recruited by repeatedly knocking on doors. Two huge barriers to accomplishment, lack of transportation and childcare, are eliminated, because this is provided free of charge to the participants. For four and a half hours one day a week students receive lessons on children's growth and development, nutrition, and their importance in the lives of their children. The morning begins with half an hour of play with their children who are supervised in four rooms divided by ages: 4 weeks-3 months, 3-12 months, 12-24 months, and 24-36 months. The children are given a nutritious snack and a lunch. Each session moms learn to make toys from materials found around the house. During the fourth hour community speakers selected by the participants give an idea of possibilities in the wider world. Finally a half hour is spent discussing the child's activities and behavior that day with the parent .
This eight year-old center is cheerful, suffused with light and primary colors. The staff who were cleaning after Monday's graduation ceremony at SAC's McAllister Auditorium exude warmth and positive attitudes.
Through Avance's programs individuals who are isolated by circumstance and choice gain parenting skills, self-esteem, and a desire to better themselves and their families, which often has not been thought of as a possibility. Avance strives to unlock potential by strengthening families in at risk communities. Realizing children need fathers as well, a Fatherhood program was initiated in the evening. Children are taught skills in 4 basic areas: cognitive, social, emotional, and physical.
Graduates of the program complete their GEDs and even go on to college in partnership with the ACCD. In a documentary, a professor noted Avance graduates distinguish themselves from the general student population by a seriousness of purpose and strong desire to learn. Hector Ledesma of KABB was an Avance child.
I left amazed and heartened by what this group, founded by a San Antonio school teacher who not only perceived a need, but proceeded to develop a plan to provide a solution, is able to accomplish. Familiar with the parenting deficiencies apparent in such families I am deeply impressed with the changes the Avance program has been able to effect.

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